Craig Adams replied to the topic Steevie and John Italian Oyster Growkit Jan 6th, 2023 in the forum Mushroom Growing Group Forum
Also…feel free to go over the Growing Mushrooms 101 course. You are one of the few people with early access to it. John too. I’m just waiting for your harvest photos to finish it off for a final edit. 💪🍄. I haven’t added the quizzes, exam or completion certificate yet.
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Craig Adams replied to the topic Steevie and John Italian Oyster Growkit Jan 6th, 2023 in the forum Mushroom Growing Group Forum
I literally just laughed out loud and said Wow to myself. Great job! I’ll trust your judgement after you’ve pet them. I’d guess that they have been breathing so well that they can handle a touch of moisture, even if it’s not necessary. Just try to make sure you don’t leave pooled moisture in the depressions where the stem meets the cap…Read More
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Craig Adams earned 1 Spore
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Mushrooms are going to help save the world.
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Craig Adams earned 1 Spore
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Craig Adams replied to the topic Black Pearl Oyster in the forum Mushroom Growing Group Forum
Looks perfect. No flattening or discoloration of the white primordial formations. We should see those baby pins start to grow caps in the next 24 hours. Great job so far!
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