total detections in the last 24 hrs
TOP 5 Species!
House Sparrow : 407 times
Northern Cardinal : 143 times
Common Grackle : 54 times
House Finch : 17 times
75650 lifetime detections since July 2024

Turdus migratorius

Passer domesticus

Cardinalis cardinalis

Quiscalus quiscula

Thryothorus ludovicianus

Corvus brachyrhynchos

Larus delawarensis

Melanerpes carolinus
What you want to know about Red-bellied Woodpecker in Niagara!

Sialia sialis

Dryobates pubescens

Scolopax minor

Buteo jamaicensis

Sitta carolinensis
What you want to know about White-breasted Nuthatch in Niagara!

Sturnus vulgaris

This soundscape recorder is located in St. Catharines, in the heart of the Niagara Region.
With your support, we can install more! We can create opportunities for Education, Agritourism and Ecotourism in Niagara. We can create a bioacoustic baseline for academics to quantify the return on investment value of regenerative land management practices in Niagara.
We can use less pesticides, and make more money, while supporting our biosphere. Let’s prove it like this.
Save the bats, save the bees, save the birds, save the Fowler’s toad. Save ourselves. Save our children.
Let’s grow Niagara!